Jack Daniels
Seafarers UK Superyacht Cadet

Our Superyacht Cadetship provides high-quality vocational training and offers a financially-viable alternative to university with the possibility of being debt free!
Jack Daniels received funding from Seafarers to train as a cadet; he is currently studying phase one, which consists of 19 weeks of academic training in seamanship, watch keeping, maintenance and industry knowledge. Today, Jack has secured a job and is now working as the sole deckhand on a 47m motor yacht in the Mediterranean. Jack shares his story:
I wanted to study at UKSA because of the location and range of equipment available
“I have worked as a sailing instructor for the last three seasons, in between completing a BTEC in Outdoor Adventure Studies. I compete up to a national level in dinghy sailing and came 6th overall this year. I wanted to study with UKSA because I like the location and the vast range of equipment available. There are great opportunities for networking either in the UKSA bar or in Cowes itself.
“I have received a great insight into the industry I want to work in.”
What is day-to-day life like at UKSA?
Most days at UKSA consist of going for a swim before breakfast. Then working either on sea phase or land-covering theory, then dinner, then going for a run. I usually spend my evenings revising or networking. Since being here I have learned how to cook!
I feel that I have improved my social skills through being with people 24/7 and I have received a great insight into the industry I want to work in. I particularly enjoyed the firefighting part of the STCW training.
My advice would be – do this course!
If I was to advise anyone I would say do this course! All of your mates will have student debt while you’ll be earning money and travelling the world.”
To find out more about our Superyacht Cadetships please visit: https://uksa.org/course/professional-training/superyachts/superyacht-cadetship-course/