Help our young people at UKSA

This year, UKSA will welcome over 11,000 beneficiaries and will provide essential funding support to the most deserving young people.


UKSA relies on donations from individuals, companies and foundations to give children and young people hope for the future and equip them with the skills to make successful transitions into adulthood and employment.

Did you know? Anton has never seen the sea before.

Many children like Anton have never seen the sea, let alone been for a swim in it.

“The instructors could not have been better and made it seem as if they had all the time in the world for us. The difference that the trip has made to children’s confidence and the way they engage has been amazing – the experience was a great leveller. Seeing the transformation in children that lack confidence in the classroom has been really special. Out of 34 children only 4 could swim – those that were saying “we don’t do water” on the ferry over were participating in pontoon jumps on day one! Two who said they couldn’t swim now can. The boost to confidence has been remarkable.” Neil MacKintosh, DSLV Academy

UKSA is proud to welcome around 8,000 school children for water based, residential experiences that are both life enhancing and affirming.  We have first-hand evidence to support that such activities help young people’s mental health and confidence, build resilience, and instil life skills – all of which are essential for young people. In addition to this, the healing power of water has been shown to improve health, body and mind which is why it is more important than ever for young people, especially those from inner cities, to have on-water experiences.

Did you know? Eloise was scared of the water before visiting UKSA

UKSA increases the water confidence of over 1,400 children from the Isle of Wight each year through our ‘Test the Water’ programme, which is funded entirely by individual and company donations. Offered to every year 6 child on the Island, it gives students the opportunity to participate in a half-day sailing or watersports session to develop new water confidence skills which help with resilience, communication and self-belief.

This academic year, we need to raise £42,840 for all Year 6 children to attend.

Did you know? UKSA funded 3,275 young people on a water based adventure in 2021

Our inspirational programmes are designed to give young people the opportunity to experience a wide range of water-based activities. Through these activities, participants build key life skills such as resilience, communication, self-belief and more.

“With the guidance and encouragement from the UKSA instructional staff, our children were able to experience new challenges and to be successful. They have grown in self belief and confidence and have become more independent. They are still buzzing in school this morning!”  Alison Cass – Beacon View Primary School Teaching Assistant

Did you know? UKSA produces over 72,000 home cooked breakfasts each year

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day which is why we provide our young people with a nutritional home cooked meal each morning. Many children don’t have the opportunity to enjoy a hot breakfast and we know that some families can’t afford to provide their children with any form of breakfast.

“Thank you very much, my son said he had such a good time. He can’t wait to get back out on the water. Although I think he was gutted with his cereal this morning as he’s been raving about his amazing breakfasts at UKSA.” Katie Fay Rollings – Parent 

Did you know? We are having to turn children away because we do not have enough funding. Your support will mean that no child is left behind.

Please, donate now.