Restricted Donations
For restricted appeals UKSA will only use your donations for the specific project you donated to. You will see an appeal from UKSA clearly stating where the funds will be spent; for example, to fund a specific item or development project.
If there is a public appeal linked to a specific amount, we are trying to raise; for example the cost of an item or building etc. all funds will be restricted to that appeal. We will get in touch with donors to explain what will happen in the case of any excess donations, or to any donations received if we don’t manage to raise the full amount.
Unrestricted Donations
For unrestricted appeals, UKSA will often discuss an example development project and use more generic terminology like “your donation could help fund x” and your donations may or may not be used on that example project.
Unrestricted funds raised can be spent on a very wide range of needs, all of which are critical to UKSA functioning effectively. They can allow us to fill funding gaps in less popular development projects, pay our building costs & rates or ensure long-term commitments to programmes where funding is sporadic or time limited.
How we use Gift Aid
Your donation can help UKSA give opportunities to young people who need it most.
By using Gift Aid, UKSA can claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated from the UK Government.
We can claim Gift Aid on your behalf, so if you are a UK taxpayer simply download and complete a Gift Aid form today and help us to make your donation go further now and in the future.
All funds claimed back from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as part of the Gift Aid scheme will be treated as unrestricted funds and will be used to support UKSA’s overall charitable work, wherever the need is greatest, even if your original donation was restricted to a specific project.
This will allow UKSA to respond to a significant area of need that has been identified or to give UKSA an opportunity to fulfil our charitable objectives in the most effective way.