
Published 17/09/2024

#DoItForGem – HPV, Smear Test and Cervical Cancer Awareness

Gemma Willis graduated from UKSA’s Superyacht Stewardess training in 2017, having trained as a dancer, fitness instructor and Yogi before deciding on a career change at the age of 27.  Gemma was passionate about her work as a Florist and Head of Department in the Superyacht Industry, travelling the world, teaching guests yoga and hiking wherever she could.

In 2019 Gemma had an appointment for a routine smear test, one that coincided perfectly with 4 weeks of leave that she had from her job that was based in the US. Two weeks later the GP sent a letter that Gemma’s results had come back abnormal and they requested to see her again within 3 months. Gemma and her mother discussed her flying home to have a follow up test but, unable to take the time off, she went to a gynaecologist in Palm Beach. Three smears and 2 biopsies later and Gemma was diagnosed with cervical cancer in February 2020, a devastating shock for her family.

Gemma had no symptoms at all, was extremely fit and healthy and without so much of an ache or pain to indicate something was wrong without the cervical screen her cancer could have gone undiscovered.

What followed were various surgeries and procedures, including a hysterectomy and aggressive chemotherapy and in October 2021 Gemma passed away peacefully whilst sleeping aged 30.

In Gemma’s legacy her family have created the Floating Florista Foundation, a foundation set up to make those living with cancer’s lives better by gifting relaxing days at their Floating Florista Beach Hut, and the #DoItForGem campaign, a campaign to spread awareness of the HPV jab and the importance of having smear tests/cervical screenings.

Whilst working at sea health concerns such as this are unlikely to be at the forefront of your mind, reminder letters may not easily reach you and finding medical centres to carry out cervical screening tests may seem less than simple. All women aged between 25 and 64 should attend regular screenings, whether this means remembering to schedule a visit when you are on leave in the UK, or researching options in countries that you are visiting as Gemma did in Florida. Don’t neglect your health or wait until there might be signs of an issue, Gemma seemed of perfect health until her test. You can find a list of gynaecologists in yachting hubs around the world here.

At UKSA we will be introducing awareness sessions to our courses, to remind the Superyacht crew of the future how important it is to consider your health at sea and #DoItForGem