A question of trust

When we are not sure about stuff, we have a great tendency to look outside of ourselves for answers. We might ask the opinion of others, we might Google or tap into social media for solutions.
Sometimes frustratingly, despite gathering loads of information we still find that none of the answers seem to really fit. And that’s frustrating because when people write and talk with hindsight, it’s easy to see the patterns, it makes sense to go on a journey where the gaps have already been filled in.
However, sometimes when we’re right in the middle of that journey without the benefit of hindsight, things just don’t make sense. We might turn to others and try endless different things that have been suggested by loads of people but still nothing seems to ‘work’ for us in the way that they seemed to ‘work’ for them. That often leaves us feeling a bit lost, stuck and not sure what to do next.
Most of the time, we are plugging any ‘free time or headspace’ with information, knowledge, and opinions from others. We do not allow ourselves to sit and think and unpick our own experiences, ideas, solutions, and thoughts to see if perhaps we might have the answers we have been looking for.
You see, nobody knows you quite like you know you. Nobody else has lived their life in quite the same way you have lived yours. What works for others might not work for you because put simply they are not you.
Asking for help is definitely a very good thing but don’t be afraid to listen to yourself too; to try the things you feel drawn to try, to experience the things you feel drawn to experience, to say ‘no’ to the things you feel drawn to say ‘no’ to, to spend time with the people you feel drawn to spend time with, to learn skills that you feel drawn to learn about, to give your dreams and aspirations a chance even if nobody else ‘gets’ it.
It boils down to trust. We are usually willing to trust others sometimes more than we are willing to trust ourselves, especially if there is something about them that we want to have, do or be.
The decisions about how you live your life, does not have to make sense to bystanders. They really don’t. They just need to make sense to you.
So, keep yourself safe, be well and trust in you.
Kim Fry
UKSA Welfare Officer
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