Barty Hills
From playing professional rugby to living the dream onboard a Superyacht

If you enjoy the water, adventure and want to travel the world, UKSA’s Superyacht Crew Training course is an ideal starting point for a quick entry to a career on the water. You will receive tuition from instructors who have worked in the industry and the course will provide all the training you need to apply for your first job as a deckhand or crew member. The modular courses at UKSA throughout the year mean you can return later to get additional qualifications to further your career.
Hey Barty! What did you do before you came to UKSA?
After finishing playing professional rugby in Spain I spent a bit of time doing different jobs wondering what to do. I knew I couldn’t sit still. I wanted to be active and explore the world. Then combine that with a deep love for the ocean, it was no surprise that I ended up at UKSA to do the Superyacht Crew Training, which had been recommended to me by a friend.
“The Superyacht Crew Training course was fantastic, and covered an extensive insight into the industry as well as providing you with good training and a number of certificates.”
What did you do after you graduated?
After finishing the course I signed up to a few agencies and spoke to friends in the industry to try to get my CV out there. A few of us from the course managed to get some daywork in Germany, which was a great experience. After the daywork, just as I was planning to head to Antibes to kick off the new career, unfortunately the Coronavirus pandemic struck.
How has the recent lock-down situation affected you?
Lockdown was a difficult time for many reasons, one of which being the future of my new career in the superyacht industry was put on hold. But after keeping in touch with a few agencies, and applying for roles I saw online, I managed to get a video call interview. I got the job and a few days later I was flying to Spain to quarantine there for a few days before getting tested. Luckily I was corona free and I jumped on board the following day.
Where are you working now?
I joined Lady Marina, a beautiful 64m Feadship M/Y who’s just come out of the yard with a brand new paint job. The day after joining we set sail and I was straight into the bridge to help lookout. It’s been a great experience so far and as soon as we went underway I knew this career change was the right decision and my life at sea has just begun.
What advice would you give someone considering UKSA’s Superyacht Crew Training course?
I would say absolutely do it. Get stuck in. Talk to all the instructors there, they have great experience and can offer brilliant advice! Take notes, work hard during the deckhand work, cos that’s exactly what you’ll be doing – keep practising knots and coiling hoses and work on your balance to get your sea legs ready!