UKSA empowers Island children

Despite growing up no more than 20 minutes away from the sea, we know that a significant number of children on the Island have never been in the water. Every year 6 child on the Isle of Wight is offered a fully funded adventure on the water through our Test the Water programme.

Donate today to help UKSA to provide to life-changing experiences to local Island schools

UKSA empowers Island children to feel more…

Did you know? UKSA funded 1,479 Island Year 6 children on a water based adventure last year

UKSA’s Test The Water programme was designed to provide children on the Island with the opportunity to get on the water, regardless of background and without the barrier of cost.

The whole sailing experience was amazing and it was great to learn new things.  At the start I was very nervous because I’ve never been on a boat before, but it was really fun and can’t wait to do it again.

Did you know? UKSA produces over 72,000 home cooked breakfasts each year

At UKSA, we understand the importance of a hot meal in the morning, especially for young people who may not have the opportunity or means to enjoy one.

However, the rising cost of living has made outdoor learning inaccessible for many families. Shockingly, a recent study revealed that over half of children keep quiet about trips due to financial worries. On the Isle of Wight, 34% of children live in poverty, and 22% of Island Primary students rely on free school meals.

Together, we can make a difference by ensuring every child has the chance to thrive and enjoy valuable learning experiences. Join us in supporting UKSA and help us break down barriers to education and opportunity.

Help us make a splash for 1,500 Year 6 Island children this year

We have set a goal of £52,500 to ensure every child can experience the transformative ‘Test the Water’ program in 2023.

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