The Edmiston Foundation
The Edmiston Foundation
The Edmiston Foundation has been launched to provide young people from the most underrepresented and disadvantaged groups, with the opportunity to forge a career within the maritime, and specifically the Superyacht industry.

About the Foundation
Young men and women from minority communities and low socio-economic groups, particularly those living in inner city areas, are less likely to participate in outdoor and maritime activities, and this inevitably has a knock-on effect in terms of the representation of people from these groups working in the maritime sector. The Edmiston Foundation will fund and deliver training and education opportunities devised and run by the UKSA for more than 200 young people per year. Collectively, we have a five year goal of helping 1,180 people complete the programme. For more information on the Edmiston Foundation, please click here.
Funded programme opportunities
Schools visits
In 2021, through the generosity of The Edmiston Foundation, we will be offering the opportunity for 100 school children to visit UKSA for a five-day, four-night fully funded water based residential visit. For more information and to apply please contact Ashleigh Gibbs on [email protected] or call on +44 (0)1983 301901
Sea.Change Foundation
In 2021, we will be offering 30, 14 to 18 year olds the opportunity to attend a fully funded five-day residential programme. This will comprise of an introduction to future careers in maritime, alongside practical sailing and watersports taster sessions on the water. These will be scheduled during the school holidays. For more information click here or to apply contact Ashleigh Gibbs on [email protected] or call on +44 (0)1983 301901
Maritime Foundation Course
Funded through The Edmiston Foundation, we are offering the opportunity for two school leavers to secure a place on the Maritime Foundation course, for more information please click here or call Claire Arnold on +44 (0)1983 203028
Edmiston Superyacht Crew Training Programme
We are offering young people 19+ the opportunity to apply for 12 funded places on the bespoke five-week careers training programme. Scheduled for Spring 2021, this unique course has been created UKSA and will be delivered for Edmiston. The programme will mirror the standard three-week Crew Training Course with additional modules including industry familiarisation, cultural integration and career development. For more information, please click here or contact Grant Smith on [email protected] or call on +44 (0)1983 203000