Glass half full or empty?

Everyday life as we know it has us regularly performing, producing, learning, consuming, and doing. I know it can sometimes feel really hectic but as part of that day I ask that you spend a teeny amount of time checking in with yourself.
I don’t want to add to your already over-extended list of ‘things I must do’, but I do ask you to self-check at some point during the day. I ask you to consider if you are feeling glass half full, half empty or just at the right liquid level. If your feeling glass half full, great, keep that positivity going and find your mantra. The actual act of repeating words is really calming. Try phrases such as “I’ve got this”, “I can do it,” and “” I’ll be fine.” Practise, practise, practise your positive self-talk.
However, if you’re feeling glass half empty then you can challenge negative thoughts by asking questions about the way you feel, such as. “Is there another way I could look at this?” or “Are there other reasons why I feel this way?”
Giving yourself a moment in the day (or several) to self-check, works super well to help you understand how you are feeling and also offers the opportunity for you to reset and adjust. It sounds daft doesn’t it that doing a daily self-check could make a difference, but it really can. It can help you think about what you might need from the day rather than what the day needs from you. Go on give it a try.
Action for Happiness have created a resilience calendar for July
Today is about asking for help when we need to. It’s not always easy to ask for help but sometimes it can be the first step to getting what we need.
Stay well x
Kim Fry
UKSA Welfare Officer
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