NCS Residential


In partnership with Inspiring Learning all Year 1 learners will be offered the opportunity to attend our NCS Residential from 21st – 25th October in North Devon. This is a great opportunity for you to get to know other students across the Maritime courses and the Education staff at UKSA and will include a range of outdoor activities both on land and water based.

The cost of the trip is £95, this includes all travel to and from UKSA, full board, accommodation, and all activities.

Before you arrive in September, sign up here and pay the £95 following the instructions below: 

  • FILL IN YOUR DETAILS – the first page contains questions regarding your personal details. Please ensure the information is correct so NCS can contact you.
  • AWAY FROM HOME – at the bottom of the first page it will ask you what type of programme you are interested in select ‘away from home’ then select your school/group from the list (UKSA) then save and continue
  • GRAB YOUR SPOT – on the next page make sure you click ‘grab your spot’ so we can sign you up
  • SELECT YOUR PROGRAMME – on the next page select the UKSA North Devon programme
  • PARENT OR GUARDIAN DETAILS – next provide all of your parent/guardian details. Please ensure that all of these are entered correctly so NCS can contact them regarding medical information and consent
  • HOW TO PAY – some places are subsidised by NCS, please see below, if any of these apply to you please select ‘bursary’ and then choose the reason from the drop-down menu. Please ensure this selection is accurate as you will be required to provide proof prior to the trip. If you are not eligible for support please pay the £95

Cost subsidy list:

  • You are care experienced
  • You have an Education, Health and Care Plan
  • You are a young carer
  • You are in receipt of free school meals
  • You live in a household in receipt of Universal Credit
  • You have an IW College Bursary Confirmed