Safeguarding Policy

Welcome to the UKSA safeguarding policy

It’s important that we all understand safeguarding, and know what to do if safeguarding concerns arise. Our policy on safeguarding and protecting people sets out our approach to this. Please click the button below to read our policy and procedure.

View Safeguarding policy 

View Safeguarding procedure

Under 18’s Mobile Phone Policy

We look forward to welcoming you for your visit in the near future. Before you arrive, we would like to inform you about our wanted to inform you about our Mobile Phone Policy.

We know how important technology is for young people to study and stay connected, but we also believe that taking time away from screens is just as important. It helps them build real connections and experience the world in a more hands-on way. 

While at UKSA, we restrict access to mobile phones during activity sessions, where we feel it is beneficial for students to be present in the moment. Students will have access to their phones during some rest periods, for full details please refer to our Mobile Phone Policy.

We take our responsibility to keep children and young people safe very seriously. We know there are risks linked to improper mobile phone use and strongly believe that reducing phone and social media use helps to support the safeguarding of children and young adults.

Last year we completed a 7 week trial aimed at encouraging non-screen-based activities, boosting in person socialising, and reducing social media induced anxiety. The results and feedback from this trial were encouraging, we saw positive behavioural changes and a welcome response from partaking students. 

These insights have been the driving force behind the development of our Mobile Phone Policy, and we very much value your support with it’s implementation.

We all look forward to welcoming you to UKSA!

UNDER 18’s mobile phone policy