Acts of Zero tolerance will result in immediate expulsion from UKSA. Examples include:
- Drugs
UKSA will not tolerate any individuals found to be using drugs. Drugs have no place in the Maritime Industry and UKSA is no exception. If you are caught in the possession of drugs or are believed to be associated with them during your stay at UKSA, you may be expelled from the UKSA immediately.
- Alcohol
Due to the nature of the course and the environment, excessive drinking can lead to serious fatigue, illness and will likely affect your performance ashore and afloat.
For your own safety and the safety of others you will not be allowed to go afloat or attend classroom-based lessons if you are deemed unfit by an instructor. If teaching content is missed it is your responsibility to catch up on what has been missed. UKSA holds no responsibility for any injury incurred using alcohol in a student’s free time.
Under 16’s are not permitted in UKSA Bar without a responsible supervising adult, and under 18’s will not be served alcohol.
- Fighting/ Physical Violence
The Maritime industry involves living and working with people in close proximity and there is no place for aggressive, threatening or intimidating behaviour. Such behaviour will result in expulsion from UKSA.
- Bullying, Victimisation and Harassment
UKSA will challenge bullying in all its forms and take quick clear and decisive action to protect students. Where appropriate UKSA will take disciplinary action against those who are found to have bullied others.
- Sexual Assault
and/or improper behavior with a minor including taking Under18’s to another room will result in expulsion from UKSA and information may be passed to police.
- Damage to UKSA equipment
Whilst at UKSA you are responsible for treating all equipment and property with due care and attention. You will be briefed by the staff on how you should handle the equipment both on and off the water. Accidents and breakages do happen, however, if it is believed that the damage was due to negligence or violation then you may be charged for the repair or replacement and be subject to the Student Disciplinary Policy PT-002.